Visionary artist, creator, writer, fine art, contemporary artist, spirit art, meditation art

My new logo!

My new logo!

Friday, November 10, 2023

As I was sitting in my studio, (The Little White Trailer), I was busy contemplating the email I received from my up-coming book graphic designer, She had suggested a logo. Fortunately I have created a few logos in my past, for other businesses, I just hadn't thought about one personally. My issue was my name. AblesArt. Two a's in a row and all I could think was alcoholics anonymous. I had the challenge of over coming a forgone conclusion. What could I possibly come up with, that would get my thoughts out of the gutter? I allowed my mind to wonder...A...A Ables Art...The good news was the fact I could see the two a's as if they were three dimensional, which allowed me to play with them like blocks. I moved them around in my mind adding different colors. I also thought about what could replace an A. I have always liked compasses. So I thought about how to put ablesart or AA as my north, on a compass. I have always had the idea I am my true north. And right there above my head, in a drawer, was a compass. An architectural compass. So I pulled it out and started playing with it. It was the shape of an A. Now I had an A with a compass sitting on top of it, hence two AAs. I stared at this for a moment, when I glanced up at my drawing light. I had painted a dragonfly on it and loved the way it looked. As I stared at it I saw the wings, as the bridges in the AAs and that was it! Now I just played around with position and color. I also played with where and how I would place the name and what colors felt dynamic. It didn't take long before my idea presented itself. The problem, for me anyway, is my ability to create an ink drawing without smudging it or simply getting a straight line and that's with a ruler and compass! Ha. Thank heavens for Becky and her fabulous ability to create clean straight lines! I took a photo, of the idea and sent it to her and low and behold she sent back a super clean logo. Now I can use this logo, on all the different merch I'd like to create. I can also use it for ads, flyers, stickers etcetera. The possibilities are endless! I hope my process inspires you, to think three dimensionally and in full color. Art is Life Life Is Art! My book will be out soon. POP ON TOP Educible A little book with BIG possibilities!
